Monday, 6 July 2009


Dear Lover of God

Many people have put together accounts of what God has done among us recently, listening to the stories told by those who saw these things with their own eyes. In the excitement it can be quite confusing, so I decided to start again, doing my own careful research, in order to compile an accurate, ordered account so that you may know the truth about the things you have been taught.

It started in the days of Herod, king of Judea when a priest named Zechariah (part of the Abijah division) was married to a descendant of Aaron (another priest!) called Elizabeth. They were both making right choices before God, walking blamelessly in all the requirements of the Lord. Yet they had no children and were both passed the point where this seemed possible. Now it happened that whilst his division was on duty, Zechariah was chosen by drawing lots to enter the temple for the daily ritual of burning incense (symbolic of the people’s prayers ascending to God). Whilst he was doing this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right of the altar of incense! Zechariah was frightened but the angel told him not to be afraid but that his prayers had been heard and that he and Elizabeth would have a son to be called John. He went on to say that this would bring great joy not only to him and Elizabeth but to many because his birth would be a sign to the people that God’s Messiah was soon to come. For this reason he was to be distinctive – God would play his part in that he would be filled with the Holy Spirit from his conception, they were to play theirs by giving him nothing alcoholic to drink.

Zechariah would not take the angel at his word and asked for proof, pointing out that he was an old man and that Elizabeth was well passed child-bearing age. Exasperated, the angel responded: ‘I am Gabriel, I stand in the very presence of God and was told to bring this good news to you. But now, because of your unbelief, you will be unable to tell this good news until the words are fulfilled.’ The people were waiting for Zechariah to come out, puzzled at the delay, but of course he couldn’t tell them and eventually went home to Elizabeth. After this Elizabeth became pregnant but kept herself secluded, filled with joy that God had taken away the shame people had for those who were childless.

In the sixth month of her pregnancy, Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin contracted in marriage to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of David;

and the virgin’s name was Mary.....

Sunday, 5 July 2009

The Diary

Extract 100
It's strange, the more the authorities persecute Jesus, the more people follow 'the way'. The more the world hates, the more God's love takes root – every day more people become believers, sharers in Jesus' love. And so many of them want to meet me. Somehow they seem to think that seeing me will make my son more real. Of course it doesn't, his Spirit makes him more real than any amount of my stories. But I love meeting them, their wonder, their joy as they experience real freedom, encounter God's love afresh in their lives.

So many people, I scarcely get any time to write now – in any case my eyes aren't what they used to be and it all takes longer. But I'm glad I've written this diary, it helps me get it right when I tell the new believers what it was really like, to lead them to the truth about my Jesus.

And today I am especially glad. I met someone different. Someone who I think will be significant in this new kingdom. Peter himself brought him to John and me. His name is Luke, he's a doctor and a devout believer. But like so many, he's now heard so many stories about Jesus that he doesn't know which are true, or if they are true, what they mean. He wants to write an orderly account so that everyone can know the truth and not be distracted or diverted from a genuine relationship with Jesus.

He wants to read my diary.


Extract 98
Maybe I was unduly worried – God is big enough to break out of the tombs we lock him in! Stephen, one of the seven administrators has been preaching about Jesus everywhere he goes – so much so that the authorities have ordered him to stop. I love it! The enemy tries to stop the kingdom being born by killing my son. But God raises him to life creating more courageous support for the kingdom than there was before! Then when the kingdom is growing faster than any of us believed possible the enemy tries to slow it down with bureaucracy, but God uses those appointed to administer it to become catalysts for even faster growth!

The enemy can't win!

Extract 99

But he can still hurt us. Stephen was killed yesterday. It reminded me so much of Jesus – you could see where it was leading, but no amount of persuasion could deflect him from doing what was right. He was preaching in the market place as they distributed food to the poor, telling people the extraordinary story of Jesus, his life, his death, his resurrection. Then a group from the synagogue of free men (who were actually slaves of the enemy) and one of the rising stars of the Pharisees began to argue with him. Saul, the Pharisee, has been opposing and persecuting believers all over the region and is obviously looking to make a name for himself here in the Capital. After a while it must have become clear that they could not defeat Stephen's arguments, so they went and accused him before the High Priest.

John & I went to the trial to support Stephen. I could see where it would end. It was just like it was when Jesus was in our synagogue, before Pilate, on the road to Golgotha. Nothing could stop Stephen. He spoke the most powerful sermon I have ever heard. Starting with Abraham, he explained how God has always given Himself for His people and how we have always ended up rejecting His offer of love. He finished by explaining how Jesus was the incarnation of God's love and that this generation had acted just like all the others – rejecting, not just his messengers, but this time, His very son. It was too much for the authorities. Enraged at Stephen's accusation of them, they confirmed his accusation – by killing another of God's messengers. A man so filled with God's love, with the Spirit of Jesus that his face, even when he was being stoned, looked like an angel. I will never forget his final words:

"Behold, I see the heavens opened up and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Lord, do not hold this sin against them!"

Saturday, 4 July 2009


Extract 96
I can't stop laughing!

John and I have just come home after walking around the city. Peter and the others wanted a revolution and they've got one – but but so much more profound than they ever imagined possible. They wanted the drama of violently replacing one authority for another – in the end nothing much would have changed. Instead through these eklesia, little groups of people brought to real life by the Spirit of Jesus, the city is unrecognisable. Sworn enemies holding out hands in genuine friendship, families reconciled after years of hurt, sicknesses and evil spirits being cast out – the oppressed being set free. Real life is flooding back, John tells me that the whole economy of Jerusalem is being transformed – people aren't buying as much because they are sharing what they have meaning they have more money to give to the poor. I've noticed it already – there aren't as many beggars or homeless people. Of course it means that some corrupt businesses aren't doing as well and although people are going to the Temple in even bigger numbers, they aren't buying sacrifice animals as much – they don't need to, Jesus is their sacrifice. Just weeks ago, Jesus had to use force to to get rid of the traders so that the women and Gemtiles could worship. Today the traders had gone and the courts were full of all nations praising God.

Jesus did amazing miracles over these last three years, but this is even more extraordinary. This fire isn't just changing a few lives.

This could change the world and I don't think even the powers of hell can stop it.

Extract 97
Of course, there are some who still refuse to see what is in front of their eyes. All they see is a loss of income or an eroding of authority – they don't see that it was income from ungodly business or authority based on power & tyranny - but nonetheless, eventually they will fight back I'm sure. Even now, in the midst of this incredible blessing there are complaints! Those who a few weeks ago had nothing, now complaining that they aren't receiving as much as others! Of course, until they receive the real gift, their stomachs may be better fed, but their hearts will remain cold, immune to the warming love of Jesus.

Peter and the others have appointed seven administrators to help distribute the food and money being given to help the poor. I understand the reason, but we're supposed to be a radically new kingdom rooted in the love of God – and it's working! If we're not careful we'll simply become an alternative to the old priesthood and synagogue system.

Friday, 3 July 2009


Extract 93
It’s as if he’s back! We were gathered together as we’ve done so many times these last weeks – waiting, praying, worshiping God. It was the same room we had shared that final Passover in. I was just thinking how strongly I could feel Jesus' presence and as I closed my eyes I could see Him wildly running around, chasing the children or play-fighting with his friends.

Then suddenly I realised that it was real. I opened my eyes to see what looked like a storm in the room. A wild, untamed wind blew around us and flames, fanned by the wind seemed to dance on each person. It wasn’t frightening, it was playful and powerful, uncontrolled yet ordered. I recognised that kind strength. My mind turned back to what John had said: ‘he will baptise you with the Spirit and with fire’.

My heart leaped. It was Jesus, it was God. I went to shout out my news to the others in the room, but as I opened my mouth a joy welled up from deep within me and I began to worship God in a language I had never heard before. We were so excited that we spilled out of the house into the street – going up to strangers and telling them the extraordinary news that Jesus is alive and that he has come back forever!

Extract 94
At first the people didn’t understand what was happening, most assumed we were drunk – babbling in languages they didn’t understand. But as things settled down it became obvious what God was doing. Jerusalem was full of people from all nations and whatever their native language, one of was proclaiming Jesus in their language. Peter took the lead and using his booming voice explained it: ‘These people aren’t drunk – it’s only mid-afternoon’. To be honest, knowing some of Jesus friends, that wouldn’t have persuaded me, but he went on: ‘this is what Joel said “in these last days, God will pour out his Spirit on all people... and they will prophecy” God is proclaiming his goodness, his plan to everyone in their own language – now you have no excuse’. It was incredible – Peter speaking with knowledge, teaching from scripture with authority. Just days ago he was a broken man, unsure of himself, convinced he was useless to God.

Now here he was, filled and anointed by the Spirit of Jesus, feeding his sheep.

Extract 95
I wake up every day with Jesus! No more goodbyes, no more anxiety about what will happen next to him. No more times of loneliness when he was away with his disciples. 'I will be with you always' he said – and he meant it! But it's so much more than having him in the house with me. Of course that's wonderful and fills me with joy every new day, but it's as if I can see in colour now rather than in shades of grey. Now when I look ahead I can see not only with my eyes, but with a spiritual sight that I can't explain. God giving me knowledge and wisdom beyond anything I could have seen with my eyes or understood with my mind. And the certainty of his presence gives me the confidence to act on that insight. Knowing he will pick me up if I fall, redirect me if I go the wrong way.

And it isn't just me – it's everyone who lets my son touch them with his love! And that's more and more people every day – small groups of friends, families, whole villages, even some of the priests and leaders of the people. It seems like everyone is finally rejoicing that Jesus is alive – and being transformed to be like him as his Spirit grabs hold of them!

Wednesday, 1 July 2009


Extract 90
Jesus has told us all to meet him on the Mount of Olives. He hasn’t met with all of us since Passover. We’ve all wondered why he hasn’t just appeared to the authorities to prove them wrong once and for all. But he’s never been in the business of proving anything! He longs for us to be friends with him and with his Father and you can’t do that on the basis of proof and evidence. So for those who wouldn’t believe, who wouldn’t trust, he won’t force them by standing in front of them!

We have some friends who live in Emmaus and they were going home after the Passover weekend – distraught at what had happened to Jesus. As they were walking a ‘stranger’ joined them and explained how ‘the Christ must suffer’. They were amazed at his insight and felt closer to God than they had ever done before – they didn’t realize they were walking next to Him! When they got to Emmaus, Jesus made as if to continue – he’d revealed enough of himself to begin a relationship, now they had to choose to take the next step – he wouldn’t impose himself. I’m so glad they invited him in, so often in my life a lack of hospitality has led to pain and separation. But not this time, as Jesus shared a meal with them and broke bread, they recognized him for who he was.

That’s the way it works, a gradual revelation, a step of faith then a full revealing. Hopeless, they had walked away from Jerusalem, the Place of Peace. But now, friends with Jesus, they are back here, full of hope, waiting on the hillside with the rest of us for one final meeting.

Extract 91
He’s gone – as we watched he was lifted into heaven. Still my son, yet so much more. The Son of God, just as Gabriel told me. He said that only if he left could the Holy Spirit come, he said that it was better for us that way. He said he would be with us always, even to the end of this age.

But my son is gone and for now I can’t see beyond that.

Extract 92
John seems to understand how I feel – how he has changed! Still the ‘son of thunder’, still with that zeal, that strength and focus, but more than any of the others, he seems to know my Jesus. Peter seems to be taking the lead, but it’s John who is holding the ship on course! Jesus told us that he had been given all authority and that we were to go into the whole world and make disciples of all nations. Many of the men thought that was a mandate to go and start a revolution. Peter knew that wasn’t what he meant but it was John who explained it. In any case, Jesus told us to wait in Jerusalem until we receive authority from the Holy Spirit before we do anything. No one knows exactly what that means or how long we must wait.

I know about waiting, but the others aren’t quite there yet!