Wednesday, 1 July 2009


Extract 90
Jesus has told us all to meet him on the Mount of Olives. He hasn’t met with all of us since Passover. We’ve all wondered why he hasn’t just appeared to the authorities to prove them wrong once and for all. But he’s never been in the business of proving anything! He longs for us to be friends with him and with his Father and you can’t do that on the basis of proof and evidence. So for those who wouldn’t believe, who wouldn’t trust, he won’t force them by standing in front of them!

We have some friends who live in Emmaus and they were going home after the Passover weekend – distraught at what had happened to Jesus. As they were walking a ‘stranger’ joined them and explained how ‘the Christ must suffer’. They were amazed at his insight and felt closer to God than they had ever done before – they didn’t realize they were walking next to Him! When they got to Emmaus, Jesus made as if to continue – he’d revealed enough of himself to begin a relationship, now they had to choose to take the next step – he wouldn’t impose himself. I’m so glad they invited him in, so often in my life a lack of hospitality has led to pain and separation. But not this time, as Jesus shared a meal with them and broke bread, they recognized him for who he was.

That’s the way it works, a gradual revelation, a step of faith then a full revealing. Hopeless, they had walked away from Jerusalem, the Place of Peace. But now, friends with Jesus, they are back here, full of hope, waiting on the hillside with the rest of us for one final meeting.

Extract 91
He’s gone – as we watched he was lifted into heaven. Still my son, yet so much more. The Son of God, just as Gabriel told me. He said that only if he left could the Holy Spirit come, he said that it was better for us that way. He said he would be with us always, even to the end of this age.

But my son is gone and for now I can’t see beyond that.

Extract 92
John seems to understand how I feel – how he has changed! Still the ‘son of thunder’, still with that zeal, that strength and focus, but more than any of the others, he seems to know my Jesus. Peter seems to be taking the lead, but it’s John who is holding the ship on course! Jesus told us that he had been given all authority and that we were to go into the whole world and make disciples of all nations. Many of the men thought that was a mandate to go and start a revolution. Peter knew that wasn’t what he meant but it was John who explained it. In any case, Jesus told us to wait in Jerusalem until we receive authority from the Holy Spirit before we do anything. No one knows exactly what that means or how long we must wait.

I know about waiting, but the others aren’t quite there yet!

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