Saturday, 13 June 2009


Extract 42
Elizabeth has been so supportive over these last few years. Jesus has taken on the role of head of house, but the visits of my dear cousin are precious. She's had her own troubles of course-Zechariah died the same year as Joseph, but now John has left home too.
She is so worried for him. He should have been a priest, but they both knew that God had a different plan, so they declared him a Nazarite -dedicated to God from birth. All of which was fine, but he seems to have gone wild! We know him well but he scares me a little - his hair, his clothes, but above all his absolute unbending zeal for God - it's hard to explain - I first saw it in Abel and I’ve always recognised it in Jesus. And now, increasingly in myself. It's the strength that comes from knowing God and resolutely following his word. Maybe we're all like Abel - all builders in God’s kingdom - with a few scars collected along the way.

Extract 43
Anyway, he’s gone – down by the Jordan, living wild, looking wild. The people love him – there’s the usual rumour that maybe he’s the Messiah – he’s quick to deny that but there’s no denying that something special is happening down there. I went with Elizabeth, we just stayed on the edge of the crowd and watched. It’s amazing, people from every walk of life, business people mixing with fishermen, money-changers with some of the religious leaders. All listening to the same message of hope. That the kingdom is at hand! John stands there shouting out ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, change your lives, get ready for the king who is coming’. Of course most people would love to have more control of their lives – see the Roman’s kicked out, the chains of the law loosened a bit, some basic justice. No wonder they love him! But the authorities feel threatened and that’s dangerous. Whilst we were there some Scribes came down, pretending to be interested, but John saw straight through them. He shouted at them ‘Who warned you, you brood of vipers, go and change your lives, then come back’. The crowd cheered and they slunk away, the crowd saw it as a victory and cheered all the more. Elizabeth and I know differently.

Oh God, why can’t your people see?

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