Wednesday, 3 June 2009


Extract 8
I saw him today. I didn't want to go but the whole town went out to greet the new carpenter. They haven't stopped talking about him since the news first broke. 'Joseph' this and 'Joseph' that. You'd think the Emperor was coming to Nazareth. 'You're so lucky' all the mothers keep telling me. That's not what my friends think. I know I should be grateful to father - I know it's a good match - I marry a respectable business man - I'll never be poor - and father hasn't had to pay too much for the dowry. I know I didn't really like any of the boys here, but at least I knew them.

Anyway, I saw him. And the strangest thing happened. I was deliberately at the back of the crowd, sort of looking the other way. And he looked at me and I found I couldn't look away. He's big and strong and I think he's kind - like Abel - and we looked at one another for what seemed like an age. Then he got off his donkey and pushed through the crowd - ignoring all the important men - and stood in front of me and laughed! I felt embarrassed for a moment, then I realised he wasn't laughing at me, but with me - then I was laughing too. Finally he spoke:

'So, Mary, now I know why I am in Nazareth'.

Then he turned and was gone, caught up in the crowds. I love him! I'm going to marry Joseph the carpenter!

Extract 9
He is kind, and strong and not ugly at all! He's a good carpenter too, he made me a lovely box to keep my diary and writing things in! And he isn't 50 - he's only a few years older than me - I still don't know why he isn't married - but he soon will be! To me! I'm so excited - I'm every bit as silly about it as my friends have been at their wedding. I used to think they were so immature! Now the whole family (even my brothers) are busy planning and preparing. Six months, that's all - who knows, if God blesses us, I could have a family of my own by the end of next year.

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