Monday, 8 June 2009


Extract 27
The whole of Jerusalem is in turmoil, an embassy from some eastern country has arrived to speak to Herod. Israel hasn't had a state visit in living memory, not since the Romans took over. Even in Bethlehem there is speculation as to what it means.

I'm not sure I care, I have exciting news of my own. I am expecting Joseph's baby!

Extract 28
I should have cared. The ambassadors asked Herod where 'the one born to be King of the Jews' was. They asked Herod, that murdering pretend king, where the real king was! He must have been furious - rumour has it that he had his wife and own sons killed to protect his phony throne. Anyway, he pretended to want to know himself and he got the chief priests to look in the scriptures. I could have told him. 'And you Bethlehem, out of you will come a ruler'.

So they came. To our home, from the royal palace! As usual, Jesus was running around, scrapes on his knees and mud on his face. Chattering away as ever. They didn't mind though. When they saw him it was like the shepherds. They looked passed the toddler and met with Jesus. They bowed before him acknowledging his kingship. Then they solemnly presented him with gifts. It was funny watching these important men handing over presents to this bemused boy when Herod must have thought the gifts were for him! But what presents! Gold, incense, myrrh. A king, a priest and - well right now, I don't want to think about that.

Why would you give a small boy burial ointment?

Extract 29
We've got to leave. The Magi have gone back without telling Herod about Jesus. He's sending the army to kill him. When will it end? I thought at last we could settle, be family.

Joseph's shouting, we must go.

Extract 30
I can hardly stop shaking. We've been in Egypt three days now. The escape was terrifying. Every moment I expected to hear hooves, shouts. What I heard instead was worse. Mother's screaming as Herod's murderers killed all the boys under two. We hid in a cave just outside the town. We heard it all. I wanted to go back to tell them to stop -better for us to die as a family than all those children. But Herod's men enjoy killing, they'd have killed us and all the others too.

I can't bear it. Some of Jesus' little friends, Benji, Sam, Nathan. I can't bear it.

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