Wednesday, 3 June 2009


Extract 1
I was 14 yesterday! All my friends were there - and my family of course. It was wonderful, I don't normally like being the centre of attention, but yesterday was special. That's why I'm starting this diary! For so long its been 'You shouldn't be learning to write - that's only for priests and Levites' Then finally, yesterday - my own pen - given to be by my most fervent critic - my Father! And some parchment from the man who taught me - Uncle Zechariah. Well, he is a priest so who could argue! So here I am, 14 years old, writing my own diary - what a year it will be, my last as a single woman - but who will be the lucky man!?

Dear diary, you will be the first to know - who will marry Mary?

Extract 2
Well, it seems the choice has come down from four to two. Ruben has been promised to Leah! Imagine that - all along we thought she was to marry Simeon, then last night Samuel & Isaac were seen falling out of the inn together and this morning Isaac announces the 'good' news. Leah's mum was furious! Well, she is quite a big lady and Simeon will be the baker! I don't know how Leah feels but I'm just happy that Ruben is out of the picture - I've never really wanted to be a farmer's wife!

Extract 3
Father's mad at Samuel - he says that everyone’s plans and years of negotiating have been thrown into confusion. Mum says that he's just worried he will have to spend more than he had planned on my dowry. Sometimes I wish I could just be married and have my own place right now, all the arguing and haggling over status and money. It's not like we're ever going to be noticed anyway - who's going to care in Nazareth!

Even more depressing is that we can't now afford to go up to Jerusalem for Passover - everyone else is going - all my friends. Our last chance to go together as a family and we get to stay home. I'm beginning to get mad at Samuel & Isaac myself now.

Extract 4
We went anyway! It was just as I remembered, the gold, the temple, the people! But as always, just the amazing sense of holiness, of God close by. When we sung the final Psalm it was as if God himself was with us - I closed my eyes and I could see the Egyptians chasing after us, I could hear the hooves, the battle cries. I could feel the fear as we crushed forward, sure that we would drown. Then the cries of Hosanna as the sea parted and we crossed in safety to this wonderful land.

Uncle Zech thought I'd had too much of the wine, but I hadn't (well, maybe just a little!).

Extract 5
In the end it wasn't my health that they should have worried about. Old Abel the carpenter died last night on the way back. He'd had a fever all the time we were there, but he seemed to be getting better. The first we knew was when we heard the wailing of the mourners. I liked Abel - he scared me when I was younger - he looked frightening with his broken teeth and the scar he got when the old tower collapsed. But he was kind in the strong way that builders have. Not an angry strength, but a gentle strength. He reminded me of God. I'll miss Abel.

Extract 6
Father seems annoyed with Abel! He seems annoyed a lot of the time right now. He says that it will only mean more change. Of course we will need a new carpenter - it seems that Abel hadn't really been able to keep on top of all the building work for some time. Not since his son left Nazareth to be carpenter in the Ten Towns. So, we are to have Jacob's son from Bethlehem. Joseph (the son) has just finished his apprenticeship - why he's agreed to come here no-one is saying. Apparently he isn't married though which given his age must mean something.

Extract 7
I know why he's agreed to come. It's my father. Or some friend of a relative who knows my father. I can't believe it. Not Ruben or Simeon or James. I'm going to marry a carpenter from Bethlehem called Joseph. He must be at least 50. And ugly. And a bad carpenter.

Suddenly farmers seem attractive. He arrives next week.

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